Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets once a month and considers all planning applications for the Carn Brea Parish area. The Planning Committee consists of 12 councillors along with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council.

The Planning Committee usually only consider Planning Application on the agenda but in some cases the committee may consider any further applications received from the Planning Authority at or before the start of the meeting due to deadlines set by Cornwall Council. Please check our website for updated agendas.

Members of the public can attend meetings and you can speak in respect of a planning application on the agenda. The period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 20 minutes unless directed by the chairman of the meeting. A member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes. Cornwall Council is the planning authority not Carn Brea Parish Council.

Carn Brea Parish Council are a 'statutory consultee'. This means that the Parish Council has to be consulted on planning issues. The policy of Carn Brea Parish Council is that the Planning Committee considers all planning applications referred to us for consultation. The decision of the meeting is submitted to Cornwall Council as the Parish Council's response.

Details of planning applications can be found on Cornwall Council's website. You can also make a comment supporting or objecting to a planning application but must login first:

30 Jan 25


27 Feb 25


27 Mar 25


24 Apr 25


29 May 25
