Officer Delegated Decision Register 2020

The following are decisions that have been taken by the Clerk as Proper Officer of the council under the Emergency Scheme of Delegations as a result of the Coronavirus Bill 2020 and associated Government Restrictions. The register is made in accordance with the 2014 Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations.

For further details, please contact the Clerk by email
Date of Decision & Reference Number
Decision Taken by

Financial Value


21/05/20 - 027
Clerk, Cllr. Will and Cllr. Moyle in consultation with members of the Council
Payment of invoices and wages for the month of May and the transfer between accounts for payments to be made.
20/05/20 - 026
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultations
Carn Brea Parish Council do not support PA20/03264 on the basis that the original approved design for 4 properties, gave consideration to issues of overlooking, to which no reference is made in the current application. The Application provides no reasons for the change, the sole purpose of which appears to be to reduce the cost.
20/05/20 - 025
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consulation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/03286
20/4/20 - 024
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council objects to PA20/02021 on the grounds of overdevelopment and additional traffic onto Merrits Hill
20/4/20 - 023
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01546
20/4/20 - 022
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/02062
20/4/20 - 021
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/02121
20/4/20 - 020
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council object to PA19/10689 on the grounds of overlooking and overdevelopment
17/04/20 - 019
Clerk after checks completed by Cllr. Wills and approved by Councillors by email.
Payment of invoices and wages and transfer of monies from accounts to cover payment.
02/04/20 - 018
Clerk in consultation with Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
To renew yearly Microsoft subscription
02/04/20 - 017
Clerk in consultation with Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
Continue with current insurer for a one-year contract.
31/03/20 - 016
Clerk in consultation with Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
Transfer of earmarked reserves monies to new bank account.
31/03/20 - 015
Clerk in consultation with Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
Payment by credit card for the yearly subscription to the SLCC.
30/03/20 - 014
Clerk in consultation with Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
Reimbursement of unspent Neighbourhood Plan grant and the transfer of monies from accounts to make payment.
30/03/20 - 013
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council opposes PA20/01321 because of over development and loss of parking for Rose Cottage
30/03/20 - 012
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council opposes PA20/01832 on grounds of overlooking because the conversion creates a dormer bungalow with first floor windows directly overlooking neighbours garden.
30/03/20 - 011
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01229
30/03/20 - 010
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/10983
30/03/20 - 009
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01612
30/03/20 - 008
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01229
30/03/20 - 007
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/02143
30/03/20 - 006
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01874
30/03/20 - 005
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01415
30/03/20 - 004
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01631
30/03/20 - 003
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01685
30/03/20 - 002
Clerk, Cllr. Sheppard, Cllr. Moyle and Cllr. Wills after public and councillor consultation
Carn Brea Parish Council supports PA20/01939
27/03/20 - 001
Clerk, Cllr. Wills and Cllr. Moyle
Electricity: £50.39
Gas: £58.52
To set up a direct debit for the monthly payment of the Council’s Gas and Electric supply