
As part of the Council’s commitment to improving amenities within the Parish and support with enhancing the local areas, the Council welcomes ideas & suggestions from residents on matters and issues concerning them and the local community for them to consider.

Carn Brea Parish Council 3-Year Budget Action Plan 2023 / 2026 - Projects

Ref: Objective Actions Who Target Completion Completed
1 To make improvements to Treloweth Community Hall improving the facilities for council employees, providing a fit for purpose Grounds Person Workshop and improving the hall hire facilities for the local community. Approve an architect to draw up design plans for the improvement works and in line with the council’s Climate Action initiatives, engage with local contractors to carry out the approved works sourcing local materials where practical. Clerk
Amenities & Projects Committee
Full Council
Long Term Ongoing  
2 Development of a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish of Carn Brea, supporting the community in a shared vision to help shape development and growth of the local area. NDP Steering group lead the project on behalf of the council. Public consultations to take place at venues across the parish late 2022. Public Referendum to take place March/April 2023 Engage and promote the consultations and encourage feedback via Social Media Platforms / External Communication and every household to receive a Plan Summary Leaflet communicating the plan. NDP Steering Group
Full Council
Short Term May 2023 09/12/22
3 To review land within the parish suitable for the planting of Trees, Shrubs & Bushes The Amenities & Projects Committee to receive nominations from Ward Councillors on identified areas of land for review – both Parish owned, and Cornwall Council / privately owned and set up a working party to make proposals and set out objectives on the project. Working Party
Amenities & Projects Committee
Medium Term Ongoing  
4 That Carn Brea Parish Council have a working Climate Action Plan document. Climate Action Plan working party is set up and to lead on initiatives within the plan. Communicate and promote activities on the Council Website and social media platforms in addition to updates in the quarterly Newsletter. Working Party
Amenities & Projects Committee
Ongoing WP Set Up Aug 22
5 Providing additional dog bins and dog bag dispensers at locations within the Parish to reduce dog fouling in open spaces and pavements. Amenities & Projects Committee to identify areas where additional bins can be provided within the parish and make proposals for approval. Make provision for waste collection of any additional bins provided. Amenities & Projects Committee
Short Term March 2023  
6 To provide monitored defibrillator units within the Parish with 24-hour access in areas where these are not currently provided with a proposal that up to 2 are completed each year over 3 years. Contractor to establish provide details to the Amenities & Projects Committee on areas within the parish boundary where defibrillators are not available. Amenities & Projects Committee to make proposal for approval at Full Council. Utilise social media platforms in addition to updates on the council website and newsletter for any new installations. Amenities & Projects
Medium and Long Term March 2025  
7 Responding to complaints from residents within the parish, purchase mobile radar speed signs to promote speed awareness and reduce speeding in identified areas. Full Council to approve budget for the purchase of Radar Speed Signs. Liaise with Cornwall Council and relevant external bodies and propose a six-month schedule of targeted use within the Parish Boundary. Review and renew the schedule every 6 months. Amenities & Projects
Medium and long term March 2025  
8 In line with the Council’s Climate Action Plan, consider updating the Council Vehicle to an electric model on a rental basis and make provisions for a charging unit at Treloweth Community Hall. To research benefits of changing to an Electric Vehicle and obtain quotations on a lease basis. Obtain quotations to install an electric vehicle charging point at Treloweth Community Hall. Obtain a value for the existing Council Vehicle. Clerk
Climate Change Steering Group.
9 To provide Parish Branded uniform required for the Grounds Person and Caretaker roles, and to consider branded jackets for all employees for use in the course of their duties as representatives of the Parish Council. Clerks’ office to provide details and quotations for Safety & General uniform requirements for all employees. Clerk’s office to investigate options and quotations for clothing branding / embroidery. Clerk’s office to provide options and quotations for branded jackets / tops for all employees. Committee to make recommendations on logo style and branding. Clerk
Staffing Committee
Full Council
Mid Term