Governance & Training

To ensure that Carn Brea Parish Council conducts its business in a proper manner and meets its legal obligations, the Council commits to providing ongoing training and supporting the development of its employees and Councillors to enable them to effectively carry out their responsibilities.

The Council regularly reviews and updates its Policies & Procedures in line with current legislation and actively follows the Local Government Transparency Code.

Carn Brea Parish Council 3-Year Budget Action Plan 2023 / 2026 - Governance & Training

Ref: Objective Actions Who Target Completion Completed
1 That Carn Brea Parish Council meet the legal requirements of the 2014 Transparency Code by making all relevant information easily accessible to the public. The Clerk’s Office will publish relevant information in line with the requirements of the 2014 Transparency Code. Clerk Ongoing  
2 That all Carn Brea Parish Council Policies & Procedure documents are kept up to date incorporating best practice and current legislation. All policies and procedures of the council are reviewed at least annually. Amendments or updates made are approved by Full Council. Clerk
Full Council
3 Effective Risk Management policy and control measures in place to mitigate any risk, both financial and health & safety. New projects are Risk Assessed ahead of approval Risk Management Policy and Risk Assessments are reviewed at least annually or as and when required. Clerk
Health & Safety and Finance Committee
4 To promote and provide training for all Council Employees and Councillors in the execution of their roles. New employees of the council to receive a training plan with detailed training to attend as part of their induction. Annual or as required refresher training to be completed relevant to their role. New Councillors will receive mandatory training upon appointment to the council and provided training for appropriate committees and can attend new or refresher training when made available. Clerk
Full Council
5 To provide a structure and policy for annual appraisals and support development plans for all Council employees To create an appraisal policy to be approved by Full Council The Clerk to schedule in Development Plan review meetings with each employee on a 6 monthly basis with appraisals to be held annually. Clerk
Staffing Committee
Short Term March 2023 March 2023
6 That Carn Brea Parish Council maintain the arrangement of an internal auditor to fully evaluate that internal financial control measures and procedures are adequate to comply with the councils’ legal obligations. That an internal audit is completed annually, and submission made for an external annual audit. Clerk
Health & Safety and Finance Committee