Go Collaborate


Who are Go Collaborate?

Go Collaborate is a Registered Company whose principal activity is the provision of digital platforms to help communities formulate their Neighbourhood Development Plans. Go collaborate is an independent company that is separate from any Town or Parish Council or NDP Steering Group that it is supporting.
The directors and founders of Go Collaborate are all residents of Cornwall. The company was formed following the founders completing the Falmouth University Launchpad programme.
All the directors of Go Collaborate recognise the need to declare any business interests that they may have in the parishes or towns that Go collaborate is supporting.

How does Go Collaborate reach people?

Go Collaborate reaches people through community groups, community champions, flyers, posters, local radio and the power of social media principally Facebook.

You can read more about Go Collaborate in the document ‘FAQ’s about Go Collaborate

Go Collaborate in Carn Brea Parish

With the restrictions of Covid-19, the Steering Group have sought out other ways to continue their work and consulting with the community. A lot of progress has been made and we are ready to consult with residents on that work as well as asking some follow up questions to help with our policy writing.
Through Go Collaborate, the Steering Group have created this second phase questionnaire online which will go live between 6th April and 18th May.
Once the responses have been considered and the Plan completed, a final pre submission consultation will take place using the same platform.
For those who are unable to provide feedback using the online platform, paper copies can be requested through the Parish Office.